I had a request to talk about the technology stack that exists for account based marketing or just regular campaigns that I use in order to maximize the value of each and every action and use as much technology as possible to keep the team as lean as possible. So the first thing is that once I have a target market and I understand geography and a role to go after. If you are interested in tactics for Account based marketing in 2022 click here.

For lead generation I use a tool called leadfuze and it has a number of options for how to track down individuals with both their email address, phone number, social media profiles. And then begin the outreach process. You know, once I have that list, I’d like to run it one more time, make sure it’s clean and run it through a service called never bounce. And that makes that sure that email is deliverable after that.

When I use the swiss army knife of marketing. It’s called pipeline pro. And this is the way that I manage as my crm, my client relationship manager, email marketing, text marketing and a whole bunch of other stuff funnel development. Landing page is really amazing. So from list creation to email delivery ability to crm and then content development starts from there. So I shoot a video like this.
And then I put it through a software called ClipScribe. And that that software creates titles, allows me to do some very lightweight editing and then put in some other graphics.So ClipScribe is awesome for making a video a deliverable piece to youtube or vimeo or onto a website.

But then it also strips out a blog post, which then I can go and clean up and send the design to use deposit photos to add photos to that blog post. Then ClipScribe also allows for screenshots that allows for a titled image that can be used for social media posts. So it’s an invaluable tool. It’s one of my favorite things right now.
Another tool that I use in order to get data about who’s visited my websites is the rogue visitor program rogue visitor program and that’s from a company called advertera. Super awesome tool. It actually enhances data from the visitor so you know who it is and how to get in touch with them.

When I’m on linkedin, use the sales navigator, of course your linkedin and then if I need to get additional information to get outside of linkedin, then I use a tool called apollo.io and that provides contact information like emails and phone numbers and then also can run some high level campaigns through through apollo also for curated content, which is the content that I’m aggregating from other sources.


I use an amazing service called upcontent and that populates where I choose which content goes, goes up onto social profiles from them and it helps to add a lot of validity check out the interview I did with scott rogerson from upcontent and it will describe more about the value of curated social for posting to social media I like hero post.

Social hp and hyper fury. Those three services, heroposts and hyper fury are great for individuals. And then social hp allows for your social media advocacy campaign so that everybody in your organization is able to post content on behalf of the company. It’s a pretty amazing software as well for the retargeting or pay per click retargeting.
I love propeller ads. They are very specific and very easy to use and very good good prices, chatbots and voice mail drops through pipeline pro again.

I’m old school. I still love dimensional mail. And so I use a company called sendjim. Sendjim and they do dimensional mail presents, gifts, those sorts of things and then also direct mail so that’s the tech stack that I’m using right now along with the companies that provide it.
For thank you cards and promotional items I use the company called vista print. They are very quick with delivery, have an easy interface and are very cost effective.

Efficient marketing takes into account the growth of your business. Selling and marketing your company to high-value accounts means that you allow your business to move in the right direction. There is no wasted opportunity to try to market to other leads that may not elicit sales and growth in your business. Simply, your focal point of focus is to engage target accounts and bring out the best in your company.
Account-based marketing (ABM) ensures that marketing and sales are wholly aligned. This means you are targeting accounts that will bring a faster growth rate for your business. Hence, you allow your team to quickly engage and delight those targeted accounts.
Tailoring the buyer’s personalized accounts, marketing communications, and sales content generate faster ROI and a positive customer experience. In time, you’ll gain loyal customers and market with high-value accounts. Hence, ABM is more than just a business strategy; it is a holistic approach to marketing and sales.
ABM General Framework
ABM is a targeted marketing strategy where marketing and sales are placed side by side. Account-based marketing is implemented in various components in other businesses and companies. However, a general framework is vital in ensuring the effectiveness of implementing ABM. Hence, here are the key factors present in the account-based marketing general framework.
Alignment of Sales and Marketing
In order to have a comprehensive grasp of ABM, it is vital that marketing and sales are placed on the same page. Both are juxtaposed with each other. As such, when companies and organizations implement ABM, it is integral that assigning roles and allocating resources are both agreed upon to ensure seamless engagement of targeted accounts.
Qualification of an Account
One of the important questions asked when implementing ABM is how does your company or organization determine high-value accounts from less-value accounts? Which of the two would generate sales and customers for your business? Essentially, a qualification of a high-value account rests on some of these key factors: revenue, account opportunities, and market competitors.
Approaches to Target Market Plans
Ensuring a personalized experience for high-value accounts is an important goal in account-based marketing. There are some factors that should also be strengthened before marketing your business. Some of these factors may include communication and sales content that may cause friction in your marketing plan. Essentially, addressing these roadblocks means that you are closer to delivering a one-of-a-kind customer experience.
Implementation of ABM Strategies and Tactics
A sound and thorough strategy in the implementation of ABM are integral in cementing an effective marketing and sales strategy. As such, here are some of the key steps involved in carrying out successful account-based marketing tactics.
- Synergize Marketing and Sales Strategies
To ensure that marketing and sales are on the same page, it is vital to create a common ground between the two. This ensures seamless transactions and communication between the marketing and sales team. If you are a novice in the ABM strategy, it is highly recommended to hire one marketing personnel and one salesperson who will collaborate to acquire leads and properly sell to target accounts.
2. Research Prospective Accounts
Targeting the correct accounts means doing ample research into the background of these prospective clients. Hence, ABM strategy allows you to research these accounts’ mission, vision, company goals and objectives, revenue framework, and other necessary details about an account. Although there are other factors left to identify an account, it is important that the marketers and salespeople work collaboratively on every account.
- Build Plans for Accounts
After identifying the target accounts you plan to engage with, it is now the time to build plans for these personalized accounts. Essentially, each plan should cater to the individualized needs of a specific account. As such, you need to determine who is involved in this account and what type of content this persona needs. Deliver the right content to your target audience and ensure a premium customer experience in your company.
- Use Inbound Marketing
One of the key steps needed in attracting prospective contacts is the implementation of inbound marketing. To do this, you need to identify the locations or platforms used by your prospective contacts in terms of finding the solutions that your company also offers. Essentially, ensure that your company has a visibly strong presence in these locations. Determine the platforms highly relevant to your target accounts and personas and then strengthen your business visibility.
- Integrate the Sales Committee
It is integral that both the marketing and sales committee are consistently working on engaging target accounts. Although the sales committee is emphasized in this point, it is important that the marketing team is actively working to leverage the marketing tactics of the company. Attracting high-value clients means that all hands should be on deck. Seamless communication and transaction should be emphasized all throughout the ABM strategic process.
B2B Marketing
Implementing ABM strategies for B2B companies has been effective in building and maintaining long-term relationships with high-value account personas. In 2020, data has shown that 76% of B2B companies that utilized account-based marketing have improved their ROI. More than this, B2B demand generation has added greater value to the B2B marketplace by raising awareness of the products and services present in the market.
One key example of a “business to business” company is Samsung. This company is one of Apple’s largest suppliers of raw materials important in the manufacturing and production process of iPhones. Essentially, B2B occurs in the supply chain of companies in which ABM strategies are proven vital to strengthen and improve on a much wider scale.
Capitalize on Account-Based Marketing
Account-based marketing is a game-changer in the alignment of marketing and sales strategies. As your company is working closely with high-value accounts, ABM tailors the individualized needs of these accounts into the growth of your business. As such, personalized campaigns are delivered to the right audience and the best results are secured for the company.